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Affiliate Marketing Tutorial for Beginners

The main problem that faces beginners in affiliate marketing is that they don't get approved in affiliate programs. I will share with you six affiliate programs that you can start with without approval. 

So if you don't have a website, audience, whatever, don't worry, you can just sign up and start promoting. 

Just to make sure that these services are valid, I tested and they work. Also, I will share with you at the end a small trick that will help you find more products that doesn't require approval. So this article is really a treasure for beginners in affiliate marketing. 

How to get a affiliate link

Let's start with service number one, The bounce. The bounce is email validation service.

Number two is Bluehost, a web hosting company. You just sign up and you can log into the affiliate dashboard. 

Service number three is vaulter. Vaulter is also a web hosting company. Provides VPs services and cloud services. 
If you sign up, you will have access to the affiliate or referral program. Open it and you can see here the affiliate program page. You can copy your link, or simply give $100 for your

Let's go now to service number four, GMAT. GMAT is an email automation software for Gmail. So simply, it turns a Gmail account into an email marketing software. It's a great service. By the way, if you go down to GMAs, you will find the affiliate program. 
It's super easy to join. Just install the extension. The GMAs application here is the guide on their website on how to join the affiliate program.

Service number six, Get Response GetResponse also is an email marketing service. If you go down to the affiliate program section, you will see also they have two affiliate programs, the Bounty program. 

How to promote your links

We have both free methods and paid methods. So anyone, if you're a beginner or an expert, you can follow up with us. Let's start with the paid methods. Number one udemy or Urimi. 

So here you can go to find sellers section and you can buy solo ad campaign. As an example, you can go here to gut sales like 50% in the niche you want. You can sort by ratings and then click on the seller.
So go to Systems IO which is totally free, can start totally for free and build a sales funnel. Then promote a sales funnel with Udemy ads.

Number two is using spy ad tools with push and native ads. So you can go to Ansc.com and spy on ads on what other affiliate marketers are doing and clone the same campaign. 

And promote with push ads like using this service proper Ads. Or simply go with native advertising like on how to bring MGID networks and so on.

Number three is simply use Google Ads. I explained Google Ads before and the power of Google Ads to promote any product you want because you are promoting to people who are searching for products. 

So you can go here to campaigns and create a new campaign. You can see I have two campaigns running here, so use Google Ads. But of course, don't promote the affiliate link directly. Again, use your own pages, your own landing pages. 

Next you can go to shoutcut.com and search for influencers in your niche, like in. Select whatever niche you want here. Search for someone with a good account and pay for a shout out like start with $20 and see how things work. 

Or simply you can go to Instagram and search for influencers, search for them, contact them, DM them and ask for a shout out. So these are the paid methods. Let's now move on to the free methods which are awesome for beginners. 

So the first free method which is number five in our video today is Pinterest. Maybe you're wondering now why I chose Pinterest and not Facebook. Or LinkedIn. Or Twitter. You can use any platform you want, but the power of Pinterest is in its service search engine. 

Pinterest is search engines as an example, if someone is searching for healthy. Food or whatever. You can see Pinterest will show results in this way and people will start navigating. And what's nice about Pinterest, it allows direct linking. 

So you can add a direct link in your pins, but it's better to use again, landing pages or your blog post and not direct affiliate links if you want to be on the safe side and really scale up and build a real affiliate marketing business. 

Method two is what we call lunch jacking. So you go to a website called Munchi.com. Then you will see here the big affiliate launches on JVZoo or whatever, or Warrior class. 

You can use websites like Medium.com for free to create a free blog and create a review for this product. When you create this, you will be the first one doing this. So anyone searching about this product, searching for review about this product, your article will appear and you can get traffic to your links from your article. 

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