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What is Email Marketing
Did you know that for every single dollar you invest in email marketing, you get back in return at least $38 to $40? If you don't believe this, go now, google.com and search for email marketing, ROI and CBD by yourselves

I will cover the email marketing strategy, how to start, where to start, everything you have to know as a beginner in email marketing from this article.

What is email marketing? Let's make things simple. Email marketing is simply sending emails to a bunch of people. So sending bulk emails to specific people. And your goal is simply to get the traffic to your website or your blog or increase your sales. 

Or simply promote anything that's it super easy. Now, when it comes to sending emails and email marketing, we have mainly three types of email marketers. You have to know which one you are.


One are those people who send bulk emails over the internet, promoting affiliate links, CPA links and so on. Those are bulk mailers and considered as spammers. Spammers. Number two, we have cold email marketing or cold email marketers. 

Here we send emails to people who are not our subscribers, but we are not spamming them. So it's somehow different than bulk mailing as the first time, we are not promoting affiliate links and so on directly. 

We are sending targeted emails to specific people to open a relation or conversation with them so we can later promote something or maybe ask for something. 

The third type, which is our main goal here in this video, is traditional email marketing or simply email marketing. 

So how it works, how email marketing works, what are the steps to be a successful email marketer? Let's see together. In short, we have three main steps. Number one, which I think is so obvious, is to build your email list, is to have a list of emails to send messages to. 

And what you have to know that those emails, those people must be targeted. Of course you don't want to send emails promoting fitness products to people who are investing in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency. 

In other words, you have have to send to people who are interested in your products, in your services and in your content. It's obvious. Step number two is simply to send emails, is to set up the system or the service, the email marketing service, and write down your email templates, whatever, and start sending your email marketing campaigns. 

Step number two, yes, then we have step number three, which is also very important, is to analyze your campaigns, is to study what's happening, how many people are opening your emails, the open rate, how many people are clicking, how many people are purchasing your products, conversion rates.

So on this way you can understand what's working for you and what's not working for you and how to improve your campaigns.

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