We are here to introduce you to the best online money-earning ways in 2022. From this, you can get some brief ideas, so stay tuned with us for more information.


How to get Free Organic Traffic to Your Website
This will share with you three steps to rank your website on top of Google to get millions of impressions and shows of clicks and free traffic.

so step number one is to install Chrome extension. It's called the MozBar extension. Go here to Google and search for Mosbar extension and open the first link.

In your case just click on this button to install the extension. Super simple. Now after you install it, go here and make sure the most bar extension is pinned so you can see it in your browser. Step number two is to do some keyword research. 

Now let's give a practical example to make things simple and clear. Let's say I am in the tech field and I am promoting laptops to sell and make some commission affiliate marketing. So what you are going to do is to find some keywords to rank on top of Google with, you know, on Google. 

Just for beginners, let's say I search for this keyword. Best laptops enter. This is called a keyword and those websites here are ranking on top of this keyword. So your target is to identify a keyword that people are searching for. 

Then you can put your website on top of Google for this keyword and get a lot of impressions and clicks and traffic and then sales. So what you will do here or what I will do now is search for keyword ideas. 

So I would say Best Laptops 2022 for example, click on Search and you will see. Now this awesome tool will give you a lot of keyword ideas with monthly search volume, metrics, CPC and so on. What we care about now is only monthly volume your target. 

What you have to do is to find a keyword with a search volume, volume like 500, 600 and more. 
Best gaming laptop under 1500$ . If we search for this keyword, you see it has 4000 as monthly search volume. So people are searching for this keyword. Now, I will copy this and go to Google and paste and search. 

What will happen now that Google will give you the top websites ranking on this keyword and you will see. Now, Moz added this section here. You need to log in to your account on Moz to access this feature. 

So, what you have to do now is to find the gateway website. The gateway is the website that you can break through and put your website on top of Google. How? Search for a website with Page Authority less than 30 and DA less than 30. 

For example, if you go here we have PA 28, which is good, but the DA Domain Authority is 61, somehow high. But let's go down like this one, a very good example. PA 24 and DA eleven. So this website, in our case for this keyword, is our target gateway website. 

Let's open it. And this is the target page that we need to break it and rank through it on top of Google. I hope you got the idea. So, step number two is to find keywords and find a gateway website with PA NDA less than three or at least less than the DA of your website. 

And step number three is simply analyzing this web page here and creating better version. Now, I know someone may tell me you need backlinks, you need to build authority. Without backlinks, you can rank. 

Go and check it and rank on top of Google. If you have any questions, I'll be waiting for you on the forum or in the comments section below. See you later. 

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