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Drop Shipping Full Tutorial for Beginners
All right, so one of the first things that you need to obviously do is that you need to sign up for an ebay account. 

Now, to be very honest with you, it's going to be a lot better if you've already got one, because ebay don't necessarily like it when you sign up on day one and you try and start dropshipping straight away. 

So if you've already got an existing ebay account, it's going to be a little bit better when it comes to doing the rest of the three steps that I'm going to go through in this article. But if you don't already have an ebay account, all you need to do is go on to the ebay website, go to register at the top right here, and then from this point, you're just going to sign up for an account. 

Very straightforward, very simple. But the key things that you need to remember when you are signing up for an ebay account, just make sure that you put the correct details, because ebay is going to validate this. 

And if you don't put the correct details, they may end up banning you. And once you get banned, it's going to be hard for you to open up another ebay account. The next step is that you need to find a winning product. 

Now, there's a certain stepbystep strategy that I personally go through when it comes to knowing which item is the best one to sell on ebay. So I'm just going to walk you through the entire step by step process just so you have a full understanding of exactly what makes a winning product a winning product. 

So the first place that I like to start is on the Drop shipping suppliers website. So in this example, we're going to be using CJ dropshipping. So what I tend to do when I want to find an item to sell is I switch scroll down to this section over here where it says Global Warehouses. 

And from this point, we're going to be able to look at items depending on which warehouse we're going to be shipping from. So in today's example, I'm going to be looking at the items in the US. Warehouse. 

So all you need to do is click into it. And once you do that, this is the page that you're going to see, and it's going to bring up all of these different items. So what you need to do from this point is try and find a specific item that stands out to you. 

You believe that you're going to be able to sell successfully? All right, so I found this product right here, which is a WiFi repeater or a signal amplifier. It's basically an item that people buy when it comes to extending the WiFi signal in their house. 

So it's definitely a useful product. So now that we know that this product is available in the US. Warehouse. The first thing that I'm going to do before I even show you anything else on CJ dropshipping product page is to go over to Zeke Analytics. 

So Zeke Analytics is a product research software that always advise every single person to sign up with if they want to do product research to find the best winning product to sell on ebay. 

And once you have signed up for that seven day trial, this is the dashboard that you're going to see. And then all you simply need to do is go over to product research right here. And then you're going to type in the name of the item which is WiFi repeater. 

And because we're going to be shipping the item to the US. We want to see the data specifically for the customers based in America. So we need to click on United States right there, and we're going to change the ebay site to ebay.com. 

And then we're going to click on Search, and right there, as you guys can see, zeke analytics is able to show us that almost $40,000 are spent on this product in the last 30 days. And there's a successful listing rate of 71%, which means that 71% of the sellers that have listed this product have been successful in making a sale. 

So now that we know that it's definitely a product that's worth Dropshipping, we need to go back over to CJ dropshipping and double check a couple of things. The first thing we want to see the inventory amount. 

So we can see that there's over 10 units currently in the United States warehouse, which is a lot. We also want to look at how long it's going to take to reach the customer. And we can see that it's going to take three to seven days. 

And there's also tracking information available to which is really, really good. So now that we know that this product ticks all the boxes in terms of us being able to make a sale from the product research. 

So this is what the sign up page looks like. And if you want to sign up for a 30 day trial with Auto DS, you can use the link in my description description down below for that as well. And Autods is simply a way of you being able to connect the product from whatever supply that you want to use directly onto your ebay store. 

Not only that, you're going to be able to automatically fulfill all of your orders. So it's a really good software to sign up with if you are looking to take your Ebay Dropshipping business a little bit more serious. 

So all you simply need to do is enter in your email right here, click on Continue. So once you've gone through that whole sign up process, this is the place that you're going to see and this is the Autods Dashboard. 

Now the first thing that you need to make sure that you do is that you need to make sure that you connect your ebay account directly to your Auto DS account. And the way that you're going to be able to do that is by clicking on this option right here. 

And as you can see, I've already connected my ebay test account as well as my Shopify test account. So what you're going to do is click on Add Store and then you need to click on the Ebay Store option, then click on Continue. 

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