We are here to introduce you to the best online money-earning ways in 2022. From this, you can get some brief ideas, so stay tuned with us for more information.


What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is literally the easiest way that you can start to make money online with no previous experience. 

This article will show you how to make money with affiliate marketing as a complete beginner in 2022 using only free traffic. 

And let us begin with a full step by step tutorial. Now let's talk about what affiliate marketing actually is. 

Affiliate Marketing Definition

Affiliate marketing means being paid flat commission whenever you influence a sale on a certain website. So for example, some company is selling a dog training for $1,000 each and they are giving 50% commission on every sale. 

Now you would grab an affiliate link, you would find people who would need a dog training, maybe some dog owners, and whenever someone buys that dog training through a link, you will earn $500 profit.

In this case, this makes it perfect for beginners. Since you don't need to create your own website, you don't need to create a sales page, you don't need to create your own product or service, then deliver that product or service. 

You don't need to do customer support and all that hard and boring stuff, but all you have to do is share your affiliate link with other people and make money whenever someone buys through your link.

Now, before we get to how I actually make over $3,000 a day in passive income with affiliate marketing, let's talk about the step number one, which is choosing the right affiliate offer.

see, when it comes to picking the right offer for affiliate marketing, a lot of the people would give you an advice that you should go with something that you are passionate about, which I honestly think is stupid and it doesn't work because there are obviously some niches that get better results and more sales and there are also some niches that make a lot less money. 

So you could be passionate about art, but if there is no good affiliate program related to art, or you can't find someone to buy some affiliate program in the art niche, it's hard to sell, then it will be dumped to go with something that you're passionate about. 

Select a niche

So instead, here are a couple of affiliate marketing niches that are actually hot and produce amazing results as especially at this moment. Niche number one is a lifestyle niche. This is everything related to travel, luxury, jewelry and fashion. 

number two is the finance niche. This is everything related to stocks, investing and money. Number three is tech niche. This is everything related to web hosting and software. Number four is cooking niche. 

is everything related to cooking and food. And now we also have the niche of Crypto, NFTS and everything around MetaWare. And once you choose your niche out of these five hot niches that I just gave you, you will proceed to step number two. 

number two is to you pick the right affiliate offer. And in order to pick the right affiliate offer, you can either choose some affiliate networks, some affiliate marketplace like Clickbank.com Dearrestoretteforward.com Partnerstack.com, or you can just go to Google, search for your niche, plus just add affiliate program keyword. 

if you decide to promote some offer in the tech niche, so you decide to go with the tech niche and you want to promote some software as a service, then you can go to Partnerstack.com and go to the Marketplace. 

once you come over to Partnerstack.com Marketplace, you can click on Explore the Marketplace and that's going to show you different tools that you can promote as an affiliate. For example, this one is going to pay you $50 for every new customer. 

one is going to pay you an average of $12,000 commission per deal. This one is going to pay you $25 commission. This one is going to pay you 30% commission. 30% here at 20%, up to $500 per referral and much, much more. 

as you can see, all the different offers will pay you different amounts of money. You will just select some category from the left hand side, select some niche, for example, social media, and then let's say you want to promote this offer or learn more about the offer. 

just going to click on it and it's mostly going to show you some details about their affiliate program. In this case, you can learn that they will pay you either with PayPal or Stripe, but if none of those are available in your country, they do have alternative methods as

In order to grab your affiliate link, all you got to do is press Apply to Program and then sign up as an affiliate. If you on the other side want to choose some different niche, then you can also go to Digestored 24. 

Com and then just click Start now it's free to sign up and then you can create an account in less than 60 seconds. Once you create an account here on the left hand side, you are going to be able to choose from different categories and niches. 

Then you will just select the category that you want to focus on, find the product that you want to promote and just press Promotes. Now once you do that, it will generate an entire affiliate link for you that you can copy with one click of a button. 

Now since your affiliate link will most likely look messy and long, you want to make it a little bit more appealing and clickable. To do that you can just go to b.tly or bly, paste it in this box and click shorten. 

Now your affiliate link will look short and sweet. Step number Four getting Free traffic through affiliate Links you can finally make money with affiliate marketing. You see, when you ask someone about how you should actually promote through affiliate links, 99% of the people would tell you that you should run Facebook Ads, google Ads or any other paid traffic and you should spend thousands of dollars on that paid traffic. 

Follow the next article to find out how to promote your affiliate link for free.

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