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Earn Money by Blogging Full Tutorial for Beginners

So we can change anything we want.
So first of all we have to log into our WordPress dashboard and to do this. You want to go to your URL.
And add slash WP dash admin, click enter. And here you have to enter the credentials which we created previously. To log into our WordPress website. You can select Remember me and click log in.
All right.
So the very first thing which we can do is we can go to the home page. Let's click visit site. And as you can see here in the top navigation menu, we have five different pages so we can identify which pages we would like to keep and which pages we would like to delete or rename.

So as you can see we have a home page. So you can keep a home page. You can keep about me page.
you can keep courses page and you can change get fit page to contact us because this page is meant for contacting us.

So change this page to contact us publications and I guess it will add another page which is going to be a blog here.
Our visitors will be able to check our blog.
Alright so let's start changing the pages let's go to the dashboard and all settings related to pages are done right here.
Let's select all pages. We have the list of all available pages so we can change about me. Let's click quick edit and let's change it to contact us once you have finished doing this click update and let's decide which pages we are not going to use.
So obviously we're not going to use sample page. We can put it to the trash and we can do the same with this page.

We can rename some of the other pages. So just finished renaming all the pages and now we can add another page which will be named the blog and it will be used to display our blog post.

So let's add a title. Let's name it blog. Once you have done this, let's click publish. And now we can go back to the dashboard. So as you can see now we have all the pages which we need.

So the next thing which we should do is we have to set this blog page to display our blog post. So to do this, you want to go to the settings section and let's select reading. So in this section, as you can see our home page is set to display page called home and for post page let's select blog and let's click save changes.

So since behind the setting section, we can do another very important setting, which is right here pal links. And let's select to show post name. This is quite important for SEO. So let's click save changes. So basically we're almost done with pages. But now we have to do some adjustments in menus. Let's go to appearance. Let's click menus. And here as you can see since we deleted publication page, it will says that it's invalid. So we have to delete it. Let's click remove and we have to add our blog page. So to do this, let's click view all. Let's select blog. And let's click add to menu. let's click save menu.

And now we can go back to our home page and let's see how everything looks.
So as you can see now we have all the needed pages we have about us, contact us and the blog. Once we click on the blog here, we will be able to access our blog post.

So once you add more blog posts, everything will be displayed right here.
So the next thing which we can do. We can start customizing our theme. So to do this, if you will have to click right here customize.

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