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Email Marketing Full Tutorial for Beginners
For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $32. That's according to the DMA, the Data and Marketing Association. So if you haven't implemented email marketing for your business yet, you are definitely leaving money on the table. 

All right, so let's start building our email marketing system. The first thing that we're going to need is traffic. There's either pay traffic or free traffic. So if you use Pay traffic, you just pay for advertisements on Facebook or Google or other sites. 

And if you use free traffic, you have a blog or you have a YouTube channel, or you have social media accounts that people find your content on. So when people actually see your content, then you have traffic. 

And what you need to do with this traffic, you need to send them to a landing page. And on this landing page, they can sign up for your email list. And the right way to do this is that you have a lead magnet, which is something you're giving away for free, that people actually want to sign up for your email list. 

So on your landing page, you're going to have this lead magnet that you're telling them you can and download this lead magnet for free like this free checklist or this free eBook or whatever you're giving away. 

And all they need to do is sign up with their email address and their name maybe. So once they sign up with their email address, they type it in the form, they will get to a thank you page. And the thank you page can be many different things. 

It could be an offer you're sending them to if you want to make a sale right away. Or you can tell them to go subscribe to your YouTube channel, visit your website, or it's just a basic thank you for subscribing, go check your inbox to see my welcome email or to download the free eBook or checklist or free video that you are giving them for signing up. 

Now once they enter the email address, the email address will go to your email list and your email list will be in your email marketing software. And once it's in your email list, you have something set up called an autoresponder or an automation workflow. 

So what you want to do is you want to prepare a welcome email that you will send everybody who signed up for your email list. And in your welcome email you can either just thank them for subscribing or you can give them the lead mag that you promised them for signing up. 

And this is your first contact with your new subscriber. And what you can have then is you can have an email sequence set up that you're sending. Like Apple every couple of days or every second day once somebody signed up. 

So let's say the first day you send like immediately you send a welcome email, then a day later you send another email where you give more free information about what you were talking about before and then you get another, you send another email with be information and then you promote something on the fourth email about the stuff that you were talking about. 

So this is a sequence that you can set up and you can basically have hundreds of emails already set up that you send people through and you can segment people, you can send people a different way if you see they're not interested in a certain topic or in a certain offer that you're offering them. 

Everything's automated basically here. And what you can also do is just send them a newsletter. So if you have some new blog post or a new YouTube video that you want to tell people to go watch then you can just send them a newsletter. 

So to everybody who subscribes to you, you just send them an email and then they say oh he has published something new and let's go check it out. So this is basically the basic system how email marketing works and the powerful thing is that this year is all automated. 

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