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No Skill Gigs in Fiverr Full Tutorial for Beginners

So I'm breaking these services down into three categories skill level, competition level, and pricing. Let's get into it. So the first service I found is called unboxing videos. So essentially, the services, when a customer sends you their product and you film yourself opening the packaging and the products, so that requires absolutely little to no skill. 

On a scale of one to ten, I'd say a three. Now, competition is perfect because it's only 282 services available for this unboxing gig. Now, the pricing on this, I'd say you can charge around $100 to $200 per unboxing video. 

If you like to go lower, you can do that so you can get your first purchase, and then you can always increase your price later. Now, of course, the unboxing video, you're going to need a camera or a mobile device. 

Most people don't really care about the professional look anymore. They more so like the native concept, which is raw, honest opinion on their product. Which brings me into the next service, which is UGC Tiktok videos. 

It's the same concept as an unboxing video, but the only difference is OB for Tik Tok. But you can go as far as being the face of a brand. Now if you're a face of a brand and they like the style content you provide them, that is a repeating customer, which means it's repeating income skill set level. 

For TikTok user, I would give about a five only because you would need to understand how TikTok works. You need to know TikTok trends, you need to know what gets the viral all that information. I feel like you need some type of knowledge in what Tik Tok is. 

The competition level is also still very low. 431 services available for this and the pricing for this, I would say $65 to $100 per TikTok. As I was editing this video, I realized not a lot of people want to show their faces when it comes to creating content such as the unboxing video or the TikTok videos. 

So I came across this one service called Pop Out Facebook Ads. Now I can't really describe what it is. I can show an example of what it is. I'll probably insert a clip right here. So this service right here takes no type of skills whatsoever. 

I'll rate it on a scale of one to ten, a one and you don't have to show your face. And the competition is super low. I could price this around $50 to $100. Here's a quick overview of week one. We spent one or 2 hours finding the perfect service to sell on fiverr that requires little to no skill. 

Now that we did that, we're going to select one out of the three services. Week one, I went with the service called Facebook 3D Ad Pop Out, since it doesn't require you to show your face. Also, I'm going to be using a software called Of FEO. 

I chose the software because you can literally plug and play and it makes it super easy to deliver your order to your customer within like twelve to 24 hours. You can go ahead and click the link down below to gain access to the software. 

For week or two, we're going to create our gig. This is just us setting up our pricing, our descriptions. If you want a more detailed video on that, you can go ahead and check out my video called Step by Step Guidance. 

And yes, we have zero orders. Let's find out how we're going to get orders. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to reach out to several different Instagram pages asking them if they would like my services, so see if that works. 

So right now, I'm just reaching out to a bunch of random Instagram pages asking them if they want my service. So I just left them with the message saying, hey, just reaching out to see if you'd like a few Facebook ads. 

I create 3D Facebook pop up ads. Let me know. So I'm just going to wait a few hours, and hopefully they message me back. Okay, so it looks like nobody wants to answer their DM, so we're going to have to try another method to try to get an order. 

So what we can do is we can go ahead and submit an order form for buyers request I went ahead and submitted to. They're both priced at $55, and they need to be done within two days. And I know it's not exactly what our gig is described as, but it will get us out there and noticed. 

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